It's 3:07am and two girls burst into a run down London toilet. Joanne is crying her eyes out and her clothing is ripped. Kelly's face is bruised and starting to swell. Duncan Allen lies in his bathroom bleeding to death. Duncan's son finds his father and wants answers. Derek – Kelly's pimp – needs to find Kelly or it will be him who pays.

Release Date : Dec 01, 2006

Genres : , ,

Production Company : LTB Films Limited, Steel Mill Pictures, Wellington Films

Production Countries : United Kingdom

Original Language : English

Casts : Georgia Groome, Johnny Harris, Sam Spruell, Lorraine Stanley, Alexander Morton, Nathan Constance, Jamie Kenna, Chloe Bale, David Keeling, Claudie Blakley, Tim Matthews

Director :

Status : Released

Budget : 0

Revenue : 449681

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